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f you see this day life, people tends to be happier today than they have been in the last two years. That may be small consolation given the largest economic crisis in this generation, which has been around about some years ago. In asking people whether they think their lives are meaningful and/or happy, researchers behind the study have found places where meaning and happiness overlap as well as places where they diverge.

Meaningful Life
See this, “Living a happy life, the psychologists found, is associated with being a ‘taker’ while living a meaningful life corresponds with being a ‘giver.'”
What makes living a happy life distinct from one filled with meaning may also be what separates human life from animal life. Happiness, say psychologists, is defined by drive reduction. In other words, when a desire such as hunger is satisfied, happiness increases. “Happy people get a lot of joy from receiving benefits from others while people living meaningful lives get a lot of joy from giving to others,”. “In other words, meaning transcends the self while happiness is all about giving the self what it wants.”
Here are Five ways to Live a Meaningful life
There is no one formula for living a meaningful and rich life. Finding meaning is your own personal journey to discovering what really matters in life and then pursuing those things. You can find meaning in your life. Meaning is out there and it’s waiting for you, if you know where to look for it.

To help you find your path, there are some different patterns and common ways that people have come to live a rich, meaningful and deep life. You can use these things as your personal guide to living a fulfilling and meaningful life, and one that you would be proud of when all your precious moments are near its end.
1. Be mindful and embrace self-reflection
You need to be present with your experiences if you want to find meaning in them. Mindfulness and self-reflection is about being aware of what we are doing and who we are.
“Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judge mentally, to things as they are.”
To find meaning, we need to learn how to really experience the moment and then go deeper into ourselves, and ask questions like “ What is important to me, what makes me fulfilled and what do I want to do in my life?”.
We need to take time away from our busy lives and allow ourselves to reflect, experience and make sense of our life.
2. Dare to take risks
Every time you push past your fears, you become more of the person you want to be. And as you step out of your comfort zone, you’ll be amazed at the different opportunities that life has to offer.
Finding purpose and meaning in our lives entails risks. You won’t find meaning doing the same old things. Meaning will not come knocking on your door, rather, you need to actively seek it. And a lot of the time, meaningful opportunities will be hiding in places that are outside of your comfort zone.
“Many people are passionate, but because of their limiting beliefs about who they are and what they can do, they never take the actions that could make their dream a reality”
Don’t live your life wishing that you had done things differently. Live a life full of meaning by daring to take risks and fighting for your dreams.
3. Put your heart on the line
Relationships give so much meaning to our lives. Without relationships, life wouldn’t be the same and you wouldn’t be the person you are today. Even those who consider themselves ‘self-made’ are deeply indebted to more people than they can count.
“Relationships are the oceans in which we find meaning”
Sadly, many people get to a point in their life where they cut themselves off from deep and meaningful relationships. People no longer get to see their vulnerable side and who they really are. Perhaps it’s because deep inside they feel they are not worthy or they fear rejection.
But pushing opportunities away to truly connect with others will only make you feel alone and unfulfilled. If you want a meaningful life, choose to go deeper. Give others a bit of your inner self and let them see who you really are.
4. Believe that you are significant
Let’s just say that you have enriched the lives of hundreds, even thousands of people. That’s certainly got to make you feel good about yourself, right? Surely that will give you a sense of meaning and purpose, huh?
The truth is, you may have changed more people’s lives than you can count, but if you don’t believe it and credit yourself for it, then how are you ever going to feel like you have made a meaningful difference? How can you find your significance if you don’t believe you are capable of being significant?
Self-value and believing in yourself is essential if you want to find meaning in your life. Meaning is what we make of it. We choose when to believe when something is meaningful.
If you struggle with valuing yourself and feeling worthy, try to tell yourself every day that you are important and capable of making a valuable contribution in this world. And maybe in time, you will truly believe it.
“Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of others” 
We only live once but if you do it right, once is enough
5. Find your significance
We often ask ourselves “ What am I supposed to do with my life or what is my purpose?” The answer is in significance. Everybody wants to leave their mark in this world. They want to be able to feel as though their life served a purpose, and usually that purpose is linked to having a valuable and significant impact in the world.
For some, it’s enough to simply make a valuable contribution to just one other person, and for others, they want to influence a whole community or even the world.
To live a meaningful and fulfilling life, find out what matters most to you in this world and then choose to make an impact with it.
We’re never going to know all the answers in life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t live a rich and meaningful life. It really comes down to making a choice, a choice to intentionally make all your precious moments matter. Think living a meaningful life, not just a happy one. Help yourself, this is life. Thanks for reading!

Credits: hub201

Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here


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