Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here

Eid-Ul-Kabeer, also known as ‘ILEYA’ – time to go home (of one’s origin) among the Yorubas of Nigeria is a special and memorable day in the lives of muslims, globally. It is special because old friends of many years meet one another during this festive period. Aside that, many people, old and young come together to rejoice, regardless of their cultural, social, behavioural, racial, gender and family differences. Everybody eats and drinks to satisfaction.
However, there are some people who will think they are celebrating ‘eid-ul-kabeer, but nay, they are not! These set of people care not about anything that passes through their oesophagi. They drink alcohol, even to stupor, all in the name of celebrating ‘ILEYA.’
Islamically, alcoholism is forbidden because it’s a handiwork of Lucifer. It also intoxicates. Every muslim is always expected to be a teetotaler. On the day of ‘Eid and all other normal days, a muslim is not expected to buy alcoholic drinks for anyone, let alone sip or drink from such drinks. Celebrating ‘Eid-Ul-Kabeer should never lead someone to activate what the Almighty Allaah forbids. A STATE OF EMERGENCY IS DECLEARED ON ALCOHOLISM!
‘Eid-Ul-Kabeer is beyond eating deliciously prepared rice and several pieces of fried or boiled meat plus chilled bottled soft drinks.
It should profess piety, moderation, love to humanity and fear of Allaah. That’s why the Almighty explains in Suuratul Hajj(Q. 22) verse 37 that He neither needs the flesh of our ram nor its blood. He only needs His taqwah (fear) from us.
It is worthy of note here that, there is nothing like ILEYA CARNIVAL in Islaam. Carnivals have been the major platforms where forbidden fruits are plucked by many attendees. Promiscuity, sexual harrassment, ‘dogish’ intercourse and watering the floor with great volumes and quantities of ethanol become the ‘lawful’ actions on this celebration. Hooligants even use this medium to perpetuate their evil acts. Many a young girl gets drunk and impregnated by faceless and irresponsible drunkards and ‘one-day’ opportunists. Is this now ILEYA CARNIVAL or LEGALISING IMMORALITIES? Dear Muslims, say NO to any useless and barbaric carnival!
Out of God’s love for us, He specifically commands us in the Qur’aan not to destroy ourselves(lives ) with/by what we do and consume. May the Almighty Allaah give us the strength to yield to and abide by His commands.
At this juncture, it is time we stopped deceiving ourselves and shunned hypocrisy and insincerity during ILEYA celebrations. ‘Eid-Ul-Kabeer is not just about eating good food and drinking expensive/ cheap non-alcoholic drinks alone, it is about how to change our bad lifestyles. ‘Eid-Ul-Kabeer should also teach us how to love others, especially, the downtrodden and the less privileged around us.
May the Almighty Allaah accept this year’s ‘Eid-Ul-Kabeer as an act of ‘Ibaadah from every muslim brother and sister across the universe.

Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here


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