LADIES ONLY: 6 Reasons You Should Marry A Bald Man

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They say bald is beautiful. What they don’t say is that bald also makes for a pretty awesome husband. So before you skip over bald profiles for a guy with a full head of hair, consider these;
1. They Don’t Take Up A Lot of Bathroom Space
Bald guys don’t need all kinds of fancy haircuts, gels, moose or even a comb. They barely need shampoo. That means they’ve got more money laying about to spend on you. And, more importantly, more space in the bathroom for your toiletries.
2. They’re Better In Bed, Seriously
According to a 2009 study, women on Internet dating sites were 5 times more likely to choose guys with a full head of hair. That means bald guys have 5 times less chance to hook up. I’m not a statistician but I can tell you that x plus y equals bald men really making it count when they do hook up.
3. They Are Way More Sensitive
Feeling fat? Ugly? Bloated? Your bald boyfriend can TOTALLY relate. He lost all his hair! So he knows a thing or two about feeling bad about yourself and bouncing back. No doubt he’ll be sympathetic to your complaints and be ready with compliments, kisses and a rom-com in the DVD player.

4. Men’s Hair is Overrated
Have you ever really fallen for a guy because of his hair? All you have to do is watch this season of “The Bachelor” to know that the hair does not make the man. In fact, it can be downright distracting not to mention disgusting. Plus, a man who doesn’t have to worry about quaffing his hair can spend more time doting on you.
5. They’re Already Bald
Perhaps the best thing about a baldie: they’ve already gone through the super painful process of going bald. Which means a) you won’t find man-hairs all over the place and b) you’ll never have to wonder if your man will look hot bald. He already is! Win-Win!
6. Bald Isn’t Just Beautiful, It’s Super Hot
Admit it ladies, if Adam Levine shaved his head you would be all up on that. A bald head is super sexy. Don’t believe me? Drool over these botties (that’s bald-hotties). Tuface and BankyW are bald but they are the hottest celebs in Nigeria

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