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It’s better knowing that best friends can turn best enemies, and vice versa. There are some situations that will prove that sentence, especially when you make him or her as your roommate on campus. This article explains the experiences from different people, compiled together in few lines, that have had issues staying with their best friends/friends as roommates – the more explained is that of the author of this article.

As you prepare to head off to a college or university sometime in the near future, the roommate question might be forefront on your mind. Especially if you’re going to the same school as another close friend, you may be wondering the same thing that I did before I left – should I and my friend become roommates?
I believe that, at least for the first year, friends becoming roommates can often be a good thing but as time goes on, some unimaginable things will or might happen.

Some of the reasons why some people choose to stay as roommates with friends is because of;

1. Having Somewhere to be Comfortable
2. Facing New Things Together
3. Working Well Together
4. Sharing Similar Ideas
5. Encouraging Each Other
It was time to get in for studies, so I arrived campus in January some year ago. At first I was stranded so I had to locate a friend to take me in. I chose one of my closest friends that I’ve known for a long time now as my roommate, pairing with his friend, making us three in the house. This ended up being a very important decision for me at first. Then I suddenly found myself in a new place, surrounded by new people and new ways of doing things. Everything felt foreign, and, to an extent, uncomfortable.
It was awesome to know that in my own room I could be myself without caring about a stranger’s opinion of me, because being with people gave me less time for my self.
Though, When I arrived, my roommates and I were both on the same page and already knew each other’s worries, fears, and personalities. Because of this, we were able to encourage each other in a deeper way as we faced one new experience after another. This was extremely valuable to me during the transition. It was good until ‘friends of friends’ came in to distract and set confusion within.
In the often-stressful first weeks on campus, it was good to know that they wasn’t the kind of people to get angry at me when I became stressed out, until an extent things changed.
We both also had similar sleep schedules, which was probably the most important thing for me when choosing a roommate. I knew that when I wanted to go to bed early, they wouldn’t be leaving lights on and making noise at all hours of the night.
1. A great friend doesn’t always equal a great roommate.
Just because you’re great friends, doesn’t mean you’d be ideal roommates. Often times, friends are opposites of one another. It may be better to choose someone by focusing on similar living qualities that you respect versus your friend.
2. It’s awkward confronting a friend.
There are certain situations that come up when living with someone that may not come up in a friendship. Sure, dirty clothes on the floor aren’t the end of the world, but a stranger might respect your feelings and adjust their habits quickly whereas a friend might laugh it off and tell you to deal with it. By the end of the year, you could become ticking time bombs if you two aren’t careful!
3. If things don’t work out, you can ruin a friendship.
Let’s assume you room with your bestie and it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. You don’t want to lose your friend because the two of you can’t seem to make it work in a living situation. Situations can become stressful, taking two people from friends to frenemies (winks).
While there are a thousand practical reasons you should say no to the idea of a live-in bestie, there are also a few fundamental ones. This is time of self-discovery and that can be hard to do with someone always at your side. Your best friend has been present in almost every milestone and good memory you have, but it may be time to start making memories of your own. As unfathomable as it may seem, the two of you will have to lead your own lives at some point.
Choosing not become roommates doesn’t mean you don’t love each other, it means you care enough for one another to preserve your friendship. You may not see each other every minute of every day, but best friends don’t need to. You’ll always be there for each other and the moment the two of you get back together it will be as if you were never apart. This means that, there are exceptions to every rule. It’s unlikely that rooming with your best friend will turn out well, but people defy the odds every day. Just remember that there’s a lot to consider when choosing a roommate, and don’t say I didn’t warn you.
However, I’m fully aware that my opinion is not the truth in all situations. This is what I have experienced, but I know that strangers who end up rooming together can become the best of friends through the experience, and old friends can end up being awful roommates to each other.
As long as you make sure to take into account your needs and personality, as well as those of your friend, you should be able to make an educated guess as to whether or not you two would be compatible as roommates. Please act wisely before you get locked up with quarrels with a dear friend!

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