Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here

Some of us have spent most of our lives disgruntled about what we do not appreciate about ourselves. We most often feel uncertain about our looks and appearances. We are very self-conscious that we focus more on our imperfections and give little or no credit to the lovely things we possess. We beat ourselves so hard that we begin to give life to our misgivings and apprehensions. It then becomes difficult to feel good about ourselves.

So, we habour a lot of fear when we step out in the open. Our home becomes our haven as it’s the only place we feel comfortable in our own skin; we get sick to our stomach with dread when we have to go to public places. Even, our carriage is a dead giveaway of the insecurity we feel because we find ourselves walking with an unenthusiastic slouch.
Inadvertently, we go about wearing our heart on our faces. We do not think much of our selves, we only make ourselves vulnerable to the onslaught of the urchins and vultures. These Predators find pleasure in making susceptible people their prey and throwing darts at us. They have this uncanny discerning and probing eyes that can see through lead. They do not need a crystal ball to detect that we are an easy target.
However, we forget that we all have a demon which we try to get rid of every time. We all have our flaws, but we only find a way to live with ourselves. These egocentric people that pick on the weak and helpless are often times more afraid than we are. If we look closely, we will see beyond the superficial and see these people for whom they are.
We will have a good and long laugh at their charade which is a sham. They only put up this show for the benefit of those people who are not so perceptive.
We will then realize that we are better off, if we accept ourselves for whom we are.
There are so many wonderful things we are too blind to see about us. We only have to look inwardly to see the untapped talent that we carry. We are capable of doing great things, but we only have to discover and develop that raw talent. Let’s learn to love life and love the people that deserve our love; entertain people who believe in our dreams, people who are interested in us, achieving our dreams. We should cultivate the habit of assisting the people who require our help because we do need one another to make our dreams come through.
Written by:
SAKIRAT MODUPE, a Communication and Language Arts undergraduate of University of Ibadan, Oyo State.

Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here

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