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Sometimes ago, I wrote an article aboutsuccess and ways it can be achieved but didn’t mention the ‘Big-Picture’ thinking, but today, it’s all about being successful bringing out the ‘Big-Picture’ in your mind.
First of all, the Big-Picture in our mind is that thing or those things that are placed first and exceptional in our minds and thoughts, that we think can change our lives i.e the idea that tells what you’re going to be soon.
Telling people that where you are is not where you’re suppose to be, that you’re getting there soon, is a ‘Big-Picture’ thinking but some people will take it that you want to do more than your capacity, trying to strip you down of your thoughts. These set of people are always there to fight against your efforts, but overcoming them is by using wisdom.
On the phase one of the concept of Big-Picture thinking, I’m gonna be sharing with you some ways you can get the ‘Big-Picture’, how to make it be your number #1 thought.
1. Always Learn 
If you wanna have the ‘Big-Picture’ in your grasp, the number one thing you need to do is to learn, learn new ways you can achieve different things that are important to you. To get that ‘Big-Picture’, try visiting new places you think is concerned with your success, meet new people you can get something from, learn new skills connected to the ‘Big-Picture’ and read books that will guide you.
2. Always Listen
For the ‘Big-Picture’ to be brightened, you need to listen. Listen when people are talking about experiences they’ve had in life concerning your field and ask questions to broaden your knowledge. People who think big always pays attention to what’s on ground, they have the intention of getting something from whatever ‘nonsense’ told.
3. Always Look Expansively
We humans habitually see our own world first. Look at things happening around you, always be composed because ‘Big-Picture’ thinkers always know that there is a world out there that they are moving to. Make effort to see people’s worlds also as it broadens your knowledge.
4. Live like someone who has a Big-Picture
No one has your life, therefore you choose to do whatever you like. In this context, it’s all about having the ‘Big-Picture’ in mind inspite of anything you’re up to. Try being creative with your life concerning what you want to be in future and learn new skills of positivity.
Don’t think the way others think, don’t see things the way others see them and don’t do things the way others do them. Have in mind that there is a goal you’re meeting, so, try to do things differently as far as you’re doing what will change your future for the ‘Big-Picture’ for good.
Thank you for reading the Phase 1 of the Concept of ‘Big-Picture’ Thinking. On the second Phase, i’ll be writing on “Why You Should Have The Idea Of Big-Picture Thinking”.
Have a nice day!

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