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Quite a number of times, you have this profound urge to move the world in a particular direction as a writer. The desire to put down your thought or idea becomes so acute that you feel the need to write them as the ideas flow in. Most likely, you want to guide against not scribbling down important things that you see or hear about. You want to avoid leaving any stone unturned or distorting the picture you want to create. You often times realize that you have so much you want to put down, but you cannot just find the right words to use to paint the right image. 

Sometimes, writers get frustrated, livid, and defeated when they experience that writer’s block. It feels like they have lost the magical touch they possess to produce another epic novel. That mental anguish they experience when they grope for the elusive words can be likened to the period of childbirth. A woman in labour tosses, groans and writhes in pain all by herself for unending hours at the early stage of childbirth. The contractions she experience are always longer when she is close to having her child. Her face contours into different expression that gives away the intense agony she is passing through.
The searing pain that a woman goes through during labour can be transformed to the excruciating distress, throbbing and torment that a writer goes through when he tries to string innovative ideas together in his work. Even, as her contractions become incessant, she contains the burning torture because she can only picture the moment where she carries her child in her arms and smiles fondly at it. She is patient, resilient, resolute and determined to finish the work she started nine months ago and no amount of pain will deter her. Even, when all the Zest and vitality she has, appear to be failing her, she only has to remember why she is making so great a sacrifice for her to continue to muster all the courage she has in her to deliver the precious being who wants to make its appearance into the world.
Writers go through a similar experience because they believe they have an obligation to fulfill to their readers. So, they work fiercely day and night. It is so inconsequential if they go through hell and high waters to achieve their goals as long as they are able to impart and impact the world positively. They are willing to endure any form of discomfort that will ensure they produce a masterpiece that they can call their baby. Even, when they are fatigued from the hurdles of the day, they still make sure they devote some quality time into their work.
Diligent writers do community service. So, they usually feel the deep longing to expose the ills of the society and at the same time proffer solutions to them in their work. They are painstaking, experienced and dexterous in the way they present their write up. Solely, a writer, irrespective of his accomplishment, often feels like he just recovered from a long bout of illness when he finally finished his work.

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