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What is masturbation?
Masturbation is simply, an act whereby individuals use their hand or soft object to channel a process of message through their private parts to generate a sexual ecstasy, this is done in both sex.
What is sex?
Sex in this context is an act whereby two individuals usually a man and a woman, whether married or not, engage their reproductive organs in a union that usually promote ecstasy for both parties, with or without the intention of producing an offspring thereafter.

Writing about the former and the latter, I’ll be pragmatic enough here, on the other way round I’ll be soft.
Forgive my Cynicism if it frightens you, just as I wrote: “I’m only trying to be pragmatic”.
Firstly, it is God’s intention for man to have sex, because it is the process through which His majesty’s plan to keep man replenishing come to being. If there was any other, God would have told us from the genesis anyway. But it was never God’s intention that man masturbate. One similar qualities is that both act can be caused or channel by pornograhics whether active or passive. It was never part of God’s idea that man masturbate, why? His majesty, when He made both of them (Adam and Eve) never intended that the man Adam would had a ‘seperate sex’, He said “it is not good for man to be alone”, meaning, from this context “it is not good for Adam to be fingering himself or playing with his balls all day by himself”, although sex was not the only role the woman eve was supposed to play as designed by God, but on this topic I’ll maintain a straight resonance here – won’t divert. It was not God’s idea too that the latter Eve would practically impractically give herself a self-arousal and take her finger or an object to induce on herself some climax of sexual cool delectation and felicity, it wasn’t God’s idea. Even when He made animals; carnivorous, herbivorous, reptiles, insects, God did made provision for a means to sex if the need be, they all had their partner, Bible recorded “Male and female He did made them”.
These days, something frightens me well when I see animals and insects do their things, even a cockroach will not loose the pleasures of such full exorbitance and frilly moment to the detriment of imagining a self-induced sex on themselves whether male or female. Even the tse tse fly
I don’t know what you see and say, but It is a great magnitude and gob of disgrace for a man whether a believer or an atheist to practice such.

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