How To Naturally Develop Your Pink Lips

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One of the best ways to get naturally pink lips is to regularly exfoliate your lips with a
toothbrush. All you need to do is dampen a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently rub your lips using small circular motions.

This sloughs off dead skin and stimulates blood flow to the lips,
making them soft and pink. – Do this regularly once a week, perhaps when you brush your teeth in the morning or at night. After cleaning, remember to moisturize to prevent it from
becoming chapped. Applying lips balm and special lips moisturizers is the best treatment to get soft
and beautiful lips.

These are FIVE home remedies I suggest on how you can naturally develop pretty pink lips in a jiffy!

1. Use Pomegranate Seeds and Milk

This is another efficient way to lighten dark, dull
lips. You can create that beautiful pink color by
using pomegranate seeds. Crush up the seeds and
mix it with some milk. Apply this home remedy
to your lips regularly, you will see them
becoming redder and fuller. The fantastic thing
about this remedy is that there are no side
effects. These seeds are sold in some shops in
2. Cucumber Juice

This is another great way to reduce the darkness
of your lip, you can just apply a bit of
cucumber juice on them. Simply slice a cucumber,
rubbing it against your lips to allow the juices
to soak on. If you do this for five minutes each
day, you can lighten your lips to a pretty pink
3. Lemon Juice And Sugar
Another home remedy is with the use of lemon
and some sugar. Cut a thin slice from the lemon,
sprinkling a bit of sugar on top and rub your
lips with it each day. This works well because
lemon works to naturally bleach your lips,
returning them to their light, pink color while
sugar will exfoliate dead skin cells.
4. Strawberry Mixture
Strawberries have many benefits that are great
for lightening dark lips. All you need to do is
make a paste using strawberries and mix it with
some aloe vera juice and pure honey. Apply this
paste and leave it on for five minutes before
rinsing it off and replacing it with an homemade
lip balm. This is effective because berries have
many vital vitamins and minerals that can keep
your lips healthy and therefore vibrant.
5. Mix Honey, Almond Oil and Sugar
What you can also do is to mix sugar, honey
and a little bit of olive or almond oil. Apply
this to your lips, massaging it in for ten
minutes. You will share the results.

1. Smoking should be avoided. Smoking not only
deteriorates health, but also makes lips dark.
2. Avoid drinking excess of tea and coffee.
Caffeine is an important factor for dark lips.
3. Avoid licking lips as this can make lips dry
and chapped.
4. Eat skin nourishment food with minerals to
make lips beautiful. Fruits and vegetables are a
good source of vitamins and minerals that
nourishes our skin.
5. Drinking 8 glasses of water every day will
help to keep lip skin soft and prevent it from
6. Protect lips from sun rays.
P.S. When you exfoliate your lips, make sure you
don’t use your toothbrush too hard on your lips
so that you won’t injure your lips: All you need
to do is dampen a soft-bristled toothbrush with
warm water and gently rub your lips using small
circular motions.

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