14 Ways To Keep Your Vagina Young & Healthy

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Your vagina ages just like the rest of you, but
you can do it gracefully. Here’s every method we
could find of how to keep your lady parts
strong and toned in the face of gravity, baby
deliveries, and time itself!
1. Drink a lot of water
Water’s good for everything, from making your
internal organs run better to making your skin
look plumper and brighter. Those benefits apply
to your vaginal skin, too. Hydrating your body
also keeps your store of natural vaginal lubricants
full. Get your 9 cups of water a day!
2. Drop that douche
Nobody douches anymore, and you shouldn’t
either. Douching was a phase several decades
ago, but the American College of Obsetricians and
Gynecologists (ACOG) doesn’t recommend that
women do it. It can interfere with pH levels,
reducing the natural acidity inside your vaginal
canal and making bacterial infections more likely.
When showering, use a little non-irritating soap
on the outside of your vulva and labia, but
there’s no need to get inside your vagina itself.
3. Kegels
You probably knew that Kegels would be on this
list! Kegel exercises, where you squeeze and/or
hold your pelvic floor muscles to strength them,
are easy to do almost anywhere you are and do
wonders to tighten and tone. In addition to
getting you a vagina like a vice, Kegels can help
prevent or correct urinary or fecal incontinence.
4. Get more control during sex
Taking a more active role during sex works your
vaginal muscles more effectively. If you’re on top
or otherwise driving the motion of sex, chances
are you’re getting a good internal workout from
it. Tap into that mind-body connection during
sex: tell yourself to squeeze your pelvic floor
muscles, and it’ll happen more often and more
5. Don’t cycle through weight changes
Gaining and losing a lot of weight can have
long-lasting effects on your skin, namely sagging
where fullness used to be. These effects can
happen in your genitals, too. The best way to
keep your vaginal skin looking young is to avoid
gaining and losing a large amount of weight
(other than pregnancy weight, which is distributed
6. Have safe sex
Preventing sexually transmitted diseases is one of
the best, most effective ways of keeping your
lady bits youthful. Condoms protect against STDs
like HIV, genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and
genital warts, all of which can wreak havoc on
your vagina’s appearance (among other, more
serious health effects). Remember that hormonal
birth control only helps with preventing
pregnancies, not infections.
7. Get a haircut
As you age, your pubic hair might go gray and
get thinner. If you’re not happy with the
changes, you have three options:
Shave it all off. Many women say they experience
increased sensations without hair, and you might
like the way it looks!
Dye it. Note that you should see a qualified
beautician to take care of this for you; dying
your pubic hair yourself is risky because your
vulva is highly sensitive and dyes can be harsh.
Get a wig. A merkin is a pubic hair wig. They
really do exist, and you can find one in any
color you can imagine!
8. Have orgasms
Whether on your own, during sex, or both, keep
having those orgasms. The more you use your
genitals, the more rejuvenating blood pumps
through them. “Use it or lose it” applies to your
vagina, so don’t be shy about getting yourself
off as much as you want!
9. See your gynecologist regularly
You should start seeing a gynecologist either
when you turn 21 or within 3 years of your
first sexual activity, and once a year after that.
Prevention and early detection are incredibly
important when it comes to infections, diseases,
or just basic hygiene.
10. Good hygeine rules
The basics that your mom told you still apply:
change your tampons and pads regularly, wipe
from front to back, and don’t wear pantyliners if
you don’t have your period (to catch normal
vaginal discharge). Taking care of your vaginal
health on a daily basis through good habits will
fight aging.
11. Avoid long bike rides
Some experts say that the friction and unnatural
sitting position involved in long-distance cycling
can put extra pressure on the labia and vaginal
entrance. Don’t worry about this if you’re a
casual biker, but if you’re spending a few hours
on the bike at a time, be aware that cosmetic
vaginal changes could be a risk, especially if you
have larger labia majora (outer lips) to begin
12. Use lube during sex
Lube is sex’s best friend: you really can’t use
too much of it. Even healthy, hydrated women
often don’t produce enough natural lubricant to
make sex slippery the whole way through. Having
sex without enough lube can be painful and
irritating to your skin, both externally on your
vulva and inside your vagina. Lubing up reduces
dragging and pulling on your skin and makes sex
more pleasurable.
13. Dress smart
Your clothing choices can help–or hurt–your
vaginal appearance. Don’t wear underwear or
clothing that’s too tight: not only will it chafe
your labia and be really uncomfortable, but you
don’t want to be rocking that cameltoe. Avoid
wearing hot or moist clothing for too long,
whether it stems from a hot day or a recent
workout. You don’t want to marinate in sweaty
clothes; it creates an environment ripe for
infection. Lastly, try sleeping without undies to
“air out” overnight and let your body breathe.
14. Don’t have overly rough sex
Rough sex can be fun, but don’t get so rough
that it hurts you. Vaginas are incredibly strong–
they have to be to deliver entire human beings!–
but even they have their limits. You know your
limits better than anyone, including what’s normal
for you: some women experience a little bleeding
every time they have sex, but others never do. If
something hurts or feels uncomfortable, don’t
push it. Extremely rough sex can lead to vaginal
trauma and damage that can take weeks to

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