Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here

The concept of attractiveness is a fickle thing and is not easy to define. The most obvious aspect of attractiveness is, of course, physical appearance but it isn’t the only one nor is it even the most important one. I mean, take a look at Jack Nicholson. From the physical side of things, he looks nothing special. He isn’t handsome, athletic or anything physically special but he has got that certain something that makes him so successful with the ladies.  There are numerous factors that can make one person more attractive than the other. In some cases, people pull through on mere confidence, other times it is their actions that make them attractive, but what about vocation? Could this be one of the factors?
Well, according to a study done on the University of Pennsylvania’s students by professor Scott Barry Kaufman, there is a clear distinction between attractiveness based on which creative vocation a person has. While being a musician (in various forms) tops the list, if you are a professional photographer, you’ll be happy to know that you are standing in the solid 7th position.  Still, if we merged all the creative activities related to music into one universal position and removed sports which tops the charts (I mean come on, it’s not about creativity here, it’s about physical fitness), photographers would rank even higher. Buy why? What makes them so attractive? Well, there are more than a few things!
  1. They see the beauty in everything
Photographers are always looking for new inspiration, at least the good ones are. Their eyes are constantly searching for that angle, the composition or lighting that will help them snap their next masterpiece. This indubitably transfers into their everyday lives, so even when they do not have their photos in mind, they will be more than inclined to point out the beauty of a particular scene they come across and change their partner’s perspective on things. A lot of people assume that photographers are focused on physical beauty but the really good ones can actually find beauty in anything and everyone! They find beauty in the harshest places and make them look stunning! This is a tremendous talent to have – to change how a person looks at the world.
  1. They are creative people
Creativity radiates differently from one artist to another, as well as from one art form to another, but it always leaves a distinct mark on a personality the artist develops. There is simply a distinct approach to life that can attributed to creative souls universally and this is what sets them apart as unique. Photography is a good way to a distinct lifestyle, gives you a peculiar mind-set and to be honest, I don’t think that the lives of two photographers anywhere in the world are generally alike. With a few simple tips you can make your photos look great, but the originality and artistic values of the photos are goals that you really need to be a talented and dedicated professional to reach. It is just the general approach of documenting particular moments in time in an as beautiful way as possible, which gives them a unique vibe. Sure, we are all a bit into photography these days but not many are truly artists. The creativity trait often gives you advanced problem solving capabilities which are more than valuable in this art form and in life, in general.
  1. They are usually nomads
This is at least true for the time that they are younger and just starting out. As a photographer, you like diversity in your living environment as well as your business environment. There are really a few other vocations that would allow you to travel so much as this one. Whether you are a band photographer, sports photographer, fashion photographer, you need to travel. It is simply in your job description. All people who travel a lot and come in contact with different cultures give off that cosmopolitan look and their stories about different cultures are quite enticing. This travel charisma is a big factor in their attractive image. They are capable of packing in a moment’s notice, but they do this by knowing how to prepare in advance. Although their lifestyle may seem wild and fast, they are very organized people. After all, the equipment costs quite a lot, so you can’t be too careful when packing so you don’t forget something that is valuable as well as a necessity to your work.  Also, a lot of photographers speak more than one language and this is something that is universally attractive.
  1. They are independent and free
The majority of photographers are freelancers, who very much have control over what kind of work they do and who they collaborate with. This kind of freedom usually stems from a healthy dose of confidence and also gives people an environment to solidify their trust in themselves. When you are flying solo, you need to be able to manage all the work you do yourself and every mistake you make actually affects your own bottom line. This breeds capable and responsible people who are capable of holding their own in a relationship, which is a much desired trait in a partner. A lot of them possess a certain dose of streetwise which they picked up from their travels. After all, photographers are often targets of street attacks in any country in the world, due to the relative compactness of their equipment and its high value. This means that you need to be on your toes and be wary of dangerous situations. This kind of mindset gives photographers the ability to project a sense of security to other people. Being able to think on your feet is quite appealing to both men and women as a very attractive trait to, well, both men and women.
  1. They are always willing to meet new people
There have been more than a few meltdowns between partners caused by one sides disinterest in socialization and insistence on a more secluded lifestyle. This wouldn’t be the truth with people in this profession. Their line of work includes meeting and working with a lot of different people and they are very much adapted to diverse social environments and can always find a common topic for conversation with people of different backgrounds. Not everyone has the patience for meeting new people and not being able to adapt to somebodies circle of friends can sometimes be a deal breaker for some relationships. The fact that they fit in quite nicely and are generally liked by all gives them an edge. Moreover, these days, everyone wants to have good photos and people are generally a bit more pleasant towards those who can snap a great one on a whim. That was a joke – to some extent.
As you can see, there are tons of reasons why you might want to consider a professional career in photography. Still, a lot of people tend to get into it but underestimate the work and effort that you need to include in order really make it. It doesn’t just boil down to snapping a DSLR at things and people. There is a whole science and then there is the whole question of creativity and personal style. It takes years to practice and work to develop this craft to a professional level. The lifestyle is great but requires a lot of dedication and more than a few sacrifices.
Credit: Lifehack

Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here


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