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The aim of many secondary school leavers is to gain admission into higher institution. I had the same when I finished my secondary school in 2006 but I couldn’t further my education because something happened then. Although I didn’t make the required credits in that year, I made one sitting result in NECO June/July 2007. However, I had to wait till year 2010 before I thought of admission.

Moreover, it was a friend of mine who advised me to obtain UTME form which I did and I scored 210. The score gave me chance to go for Mass Communication at University of Lagos (UNILAG) which was my most preferred and The Polytechnic, Ibadan which was my more preferred in year 2010. But financial constraint didn’t let me do UNILAG post-UTME so I did The Polytechnic, Ibadan post-UTME alone.
It was a day of joy when I received admission alert from The Polytechnic, Ibadan that I have been offered National Diploma admission to study Mass Communication. I was cleared at Ibadan campus before I went to Eruwa Campus (now, The Ibarapa Polytechnic, Eruwa) where ND for Mass Communication is situated. In fact, I was one of the first few people that finished their registration between the first and second week. This is because I was too eager to leave home after the years I’ve spent at home.
Regrettably, I misused the opportunity to build a good G.P in my first year. This is because I spent the year to roam around the town with friends. We were thinking that we are still freshers (new students) and we need to enjoy our freedom. In fact, we didn’t have time to read, although we always attend classes. It was late before some of us changed our ways and faced our primary assignment, yet I was unable to reach my target.
Fortunately, I later joined a resourceful caucus of guys which is called G10+ and I regained my courage that I can still reach my target but it was futile because it’s already late. Though the courage that I gained from the guys really helped me to finish my programme with a presentable grade and I didn’t have any carry-over throughout my programme.
This article is for Jambites to learn from my mistake. Don’t misuse your freedom at school by joining those students who will change their behaviour at school just to feel among big boys/big girls in campus. Stalites who are guilty should also amend their ways before it’ll be too late for them. Furthermore, always have it in mind that unmerited grade through bribery can only secure a job for you but it may not sustain it in future.
Strive to acquire the necessary skills that you need and they will be yours forever. Remember that your parents/guardians/sponsors send you there to expand your horizons. Don’t waste their money (even if it’s yours) and your time. Thanks for reading.

Written by: Mayowa Oladele (BabaModder)

Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here

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