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Sleeping is a moment to rejuvenate our bodies, minds and souls. We need it to function properly, but we must wake up to keep our lives running. Oftentimes, we wake up in our bodies but we stay asleep in our minds. For me, sleeping is being out of the touch with the truth. The truth is seldom the noises in the outside world, but the still voice within ourselves. It is that insistent force pushing towards the better us, positive changes and success even when the world keeps dragging us back to mediocrity. Most times we ignore this relentless force and we give in to the noises of this world.

Even though we seem awake and conscious as we go about our daily endeavors, the reality that we are unconscious of the fact that the beautiful life we are searching for is determined by the outcomes of our simple daily actions.
While idling
The times you spend at work is important. They say, how you do one thing is how you do everything. If you are wasting time on some trivial stuff, then it’s probably true you do it in everything else in life. Wake up from the sleep, and do the work. Put efforts and be productive.
While busy with trivialities
What do you focus on mostly? Our thoughts may be trivial, but it’s important to realize that your mind’s capitalize on what you constantly think about. The more you think and do something the deeper it gets in your mind. To understand your path in life, simply ask yourself a question, are my thoughts helping you towards your goals or taking you astray?
It’s important to understand that you must learn stuff that are worthwhile towards achieving your goals. Learn stuff that grow you up personally. Work on yourself as much as you work on your goals. It’s important to understand yourself better before planning to venture into any goal in life. This will save you enough time and trouble of doing things the wrong way. Working on yourself leads to discovering your strengths and weaknesses.
While avoiding risks
I understand that not everyone is a risk taker and that’s okay. We have different levels of measuring the risks we can take. But we risks also depend on the level of comfort you have at the time. The comfort zones almost never allow you to take risks. People who take risks are hungry and not comfortable with their lives. They need to advance or change.
Are you a risk taker? If you are not, don’t worry because there are more like you. But I want to highlight a simple point here – if you are employed, then the advancement in your life hardly depends on what you do in your 8am to 5pm job, rather it lies in what happens between 5pm to 8am. What you do in this moment determines the pace that you climb the stairs of success and change in your life.
While procrastinating
Are you good with keeping your promises? Do you follow through your goals to the end?
It’s not what we don’t do that matter, but what we do but not finish that count a lot in taking down toll to our life’s misery. Procrastination is a thief of time and you’ll certainly need to get rid of this habit in order to see a breakthrough in your life.
While bingeing
The body is the most important and yet the only machine you’ll use during your lifetime. Still, most of us abuse it. We don’t know how to take good care of it, or even if we do, we hardly do the right thing.
We lack discipline to control what we eat, what we drink and how we burn the extra calories that we gain through our binging. Having a limit is important to ensure we preserve the health of our bodies so that they are efficient in getting us the lives we need. Beware of what you eat.

Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here


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