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It might interest you to know that even when you are both happy together, she still have emotional feelings for her ex. Some of these attitudes brought up by ladies can actually destroy the happiness in their current relationship unknowing to them should their current boyfriend/lover finds out.
Though, it’s important for you as a guy to know the moves of your girlfriend in order to maintain the affection and love in the relationship. As much as girls don’t like taking nonsense, the same thing goes with the guys also. Therefore, some of these girls who claim to have high knowledgeable ways of doing things, trick and prank their boyfriends showing love as if they care, meanwhile wants to be connected with their exes.

It pains so much when you have a girl that can’t do without her ex, it’s just as if they didn’t break-up, but rather they travelled. That’s why guys should always be careful and watchful before going out on a date with a girl who has had exes. These set of ladies don’t want to loose either of you, so she plays a ‘tricky’ game just to keep the both of you and choose who to settle with in future tomorrow after spotting out some differences between you both.

These tips below will guide/make you know your girlfriend is still in love with her ex, so as for you to know your stand in the relationship. 

#1. They are secretive when it comes to residual feelings of love for their exes. 

They always hide things that might interest you to know when telling you about her ex and how they’ve lived and what caused the break-up. She only tells you “one good and one bad” aspect of her former relationship, what he caused that made them to break-up (he always causes break-ups, she doesn’t *lies*). She behaves as if she doesn’t love him any longer but she does a little.

#2. She’s probably confused when she’s alone thinking about her life. 

This set of ladies can’t concentrate well when thinking about her life and relationship life. She still love that guy and also she loves the present guy, which to follow? This becomes a question she continuously stumble upon in her lonely periods and sometimes she might dare to speak with you (the present guy) about it. You’ll know what I mean if you read her mind and understand her, or maybe catch her one day when she’s having that thought and when you ask her, she’ll say nothing. Be aware that something’s wrong!

#3. She’s irritated at every of your mistakes and misbehaviour in thought of the guy. 

She always have this thought of yelling. She yells at anything you might have done wrongly after a long conversation with her ex on call and on chats. Afterwards, she goes back sitting quietly, waiting for you to go and plead for forgiveness before she’ll realise her actions and come back to her senses.

#4. She compares you to him here and there mostly anytime you have quarrels/misunderstanding. 

She takes you for granted by comparing your activities with that of her ex. She thinks her ex is better of with that task than you, she feels you don’t know how to tackle things compared to her ex. Childishness can make these set of girls to be comparing who’s more cute between the both of you even by tagging your pictures together just to spot the difference, who’s got more swags than who and who’s more educated. These set of ladies still need to improve in their relationship life because this is what causes “use and dump” phrase used for some ladies. No one wants to marry a girl who’s that shallow.

#5. She’s still in touch with him and they connect together. 

Some ladies are just too smart. They say they’ve broken-up with him but they still call him everyday, they still chat him on social networks every hour. You as the boyfriend will start wondering, and maybe one day you ask her why she’s continuously doing this, she’ll say they are just friends and nothing more. She’ll even be angry that you’re asking her that and that you’re jealous, not knowing that you’re protecting what’s yours.

#6. She likes talking about her ex and remembers the memories they’ve spent together that you’re yet to meet. 

She’s not always comfortable when a particular task that her ex did hasn’t been done by you. She feels her ex is more planned and organised than you. She might openly tell you in a playful way one day that “you’re not impressing her and that her ex normally do more than that”. This is one problem with some guys though in a relationship, but doesn’t mean girls should take that as an advantage. She talks about his ‘goods’ always, no cons.

#7. She still want to be friends with him even when you’ve advised her on so many occasions. 

She just can’t do without him, therefore, she tries to still be friends with him just to continually see his recent activities. Some childish acts of some of these ladies is to bookmark their picture upload page on any social network, to easily get their recent activity of how the guy is living large or how he’s enjoying his life. They easily get carried away to come back to him. It shows that she still has interest in him.

#8. She’s jealous seeing her ex with other girls. 

Sometimes she cries and get moody seeing her ex that she still have feelings for in different hangouts with other ladies. She gets jealous and can’t cope with it. Maybe she saw it on his social network platform, she’ll jealously secret-chat the guy just to know who those ladies are.

#9. She loves you both but she thinks of him more. 

There’s nothing in this life that can buy true love. She might like you, but when this thought of him keeps coming to her senses, she just can’t help it. She just love him so much that she always make references to their special songs they sang together, movies they watched together and other things they’ve done together.

#10. She keeps much of his pictures in her phone so as to remember him constantly. 

She’s not afraid of you seeing it, she dares you because she doesn’t love you compared to him. She even go to the extent of designing his pictures, adding them on collage with hers. She’s just fond of this.

#11. She’s not afraid of you quitting the relationship.

To some ladies in this act, infact, that’s what they’ve been waiting for to hear from you. They don’t just want to bring that idea anytime quarrels come up, they might be tempted sometimes though, but they want you to be the one saying the relationship should end so she won’t feel guilty of it when explaining to her friends. This will also give the opportunity to fully go back to the ex.
These are some of the noticeable ways to find out your girlfriend isn’t done yet with her ex. You can actually find out by tracking her daily activities. It’ll be better sitting her down and educating her about what she’s doing and things that might come up due to her actions.
Some girls can actually be harmful at the end in a relationship. There’s a point I believe you can tolerate her attitude. If she refuses to listen to your utterances and advice, I’d advice you to look for a way and move on with your life, but if she’s a good and sensitive girl that understands what made them part ways, she’ll listen up and turn ways.

Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here


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