Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here

How is your day going? I do trust you are having a great time with your new courtesan, Angela. I wish I could eavesdrop on your date with her at Forks and Fingers but I’m pretty sure you both had a groovy moment together. I have some thoughts to share with you that I feel you are still not getting right. Relationship is not for boys, it’s for men and it does come with stacks of responsibilities and a very high level of mellowness. I’m going to get a bit motivational in today’s letter. The quality of life that you would ever live here on earth will be determined by the eminence and extensiveness of the knowledge that is rooted in the two symmetrical halves of your cerebral hemispheres. I don’t know why you call me your mentor and you can’t just follow my footsteps! I have always accentuated the importance of knowledge in your journey in life as a critical conduit to a fulfilling life. I have told you that there are no self-made men, only self-made idiots. The first law I taught you at the hotel room you came to meet me in Yenogoa last year is the law of Intentionality. I did charge you that it’s never possible for you to climb a staircase accidentally. That’s the same way it’s impossible to go up in life without making certain conscious decisions. I wouldn’t like a situation where you are flourishing in your relationship and you are lacking in other areas of your life. I’m going to talk about two of such key areas; spirituality and finance.

First, spirituality. Notice I didn’t say religiosity, which is an intellectual challenge of the church in today’s world. There is no successful man that exists in this world without the support of any extrasensory and paranormal entity. You either belong to God or the devil. There is no sitting on the fence. If you are going to go far, you had better stop all this pharisaic viewpoints that has encapsulated you over the years and face serious business. All the puerile and fatuous attitudes of speaking in tongues for two minutes while brushing your teeth in the morning and saying you are praying should be thrown out of your mentality. You can’t just read the Bible only when you are sick or when you need help. It wouldn’t work. I have told you that the most important word after salvation in the Bible is the word ‘fellowship’. It’s gotten from the Koine Greek word, ‘Koinonia’ which means a deep-rooted companionship with someone, an inherent covenanted amity with divinity. You could start with 15 minutes. As time goes on, you keep getting deeper. Get a devotional that can help you out. There are lots of them: Open Heavens, Our daily Manna, Rhapsody of Realities, Your word for today, Spurgeon’s daily devotional, David Guzik’s Devotional and a lot more. Buy spiritual books. I recommend Benny Hinn’s Good Morning Holy Spirit, Kathryn Kuhlman’s Heart to Heart, Joyce Meyer’s How to hear from God and Andriy Kuksenko’s In the Beginning. They would help you a lot.
Let’s talk about finance. You are now a man Jackson and you have to start thinking and acting like one. No lady would ever like to date a broke man even when God gives her His I.D card as a proof that such man is the right person for her. Even when she tells you that she would be with you through thick and thin, be careful because sometimes, promises can be frustrated! It’s so natural. You have to understand the way money operates. You must be au fait with some philosophies about money. The poor work for money, the rich make money work for them. The fool keeps money in the bank and keeps piling it up, the wise man understands that money is a current, it keeps moving. So they invest their money in form of stocks, real estate deals and government securities. The poor withholds money, the rich gives out money. The poor spends loads of money on luxuries even when he has just little, the rich spends money on just necessaries despite having lots of money. The poor prefers to buy clothes with thousands of dollars but the rich prefers to put on just a simple t-shirt, jeans trousers and a leather sandal. They are not proud! You should also understand dealings in the stock exchange market. Your adeptness to diagnostically analyse the economic situations of your country tells a lot more of your desire to make big money. You should be able to know how to avoid tax and not evade it. All these aren’t just some theoretical tenets; they also have real-world implications. The rich pays less tax than the poor because he understands tax law very well and realise that money is emotional.
Conclusively, if possible, attend a business school. I know you are studying English Education but that’s irrelevant to making it in life. It’s beyond the semantics, phonology and grammatical rules you were taught in EGL 101. Read magazines about finance. Get addicted to Harvard Business Review, The Economist, The Financial Times and so many more. Don’t just read them, devour them! And lastly, buy books. You can get books from Robert Kiyosaki, Sharon Letcher, Donald Trump, Allam Williams, Sanford Botkin, Dan Renoylds, Ron Paul, Robert Slater and so many more.
I know you are charged up already but I can read the look on your face; Akin, where will I get money for all these things? Before I drop my pen, let me quickly teach you four ways to getting anything you need. First, inherit it! There are some books your dad read but are now lying idle in the book shelf, clean them and start to read. Secondly, buy. Start saving from the little you have. You should be able to buy at least a book in a month. Thirdly, If you can’t buy, borrow. Be courageous to ask from people, they will be willing to give you. Finally, if the above does not work, steal it. Yes, I mean steal it or better put, take it. There is a holy stealing. Jesus took the ass in the nearby village that did not belong to him. He understands this last principle very well. Be very bold to steal that book you honestly want to read but you can’t afford. God will definitely reward your labour! (laughing)….have a nice day!

Meet Sugar Mummies And Daddies Who Are Ready To Pay You Everyweek Here


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